The Church of the Holy Name in Arbrook Lane, Esher was built in 1923. The Parish has grown from strength to strength since it was first built and we currently have over 600 families on our register. We are very fortunate to have so many Parishioners volunteering to help maintain a thriving Parish and offer a number of groups and programmes to all ages.
We run a Confirmation Programme and a First Holy Communion Programme each year - both of which lead up to their relevant Celebrations in the summer. We have Prayer Groups, a Choir which meets weekly to rehearse the following Sunday’s hymns and Children’s Liturgy on Sunday mornings at the 9:30 Mass during term time. The rota is formed by parents who volunteer to help in the lessons. We have a number of Committees within the Church which meet regularly to support very worthwhile causes. These include the Parish outreach group, the Social Committee and the Liturgy Committee.
As a Church we are committed to offering as much guidance as needed by Catholics in our community in relation to all the Sacraments. As well as running Confirmation and First Holy Communion programmes, we offer Baptism, Marriage and family support. Arrangements for baptisms, weddings and funerals are made with Father Benny. We have a large group of Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Readers and Welcomers, Flower Arrangers who serve on a rota at the weekend Masses. We also have a Holy Communion Sick List for parishioners who can receive Communion at home. We offer an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) course for people who are interested in moving into the Catholic faith.
We have provided on-going support to a number of projects in less privileged countries, including a school in Mukuru, Nairobi and Mother of Peach Orphanage in South Africa, a Twinning Project with a small Parish in Mexico and also a Faces of Africa project which supports the horrific effects on children affected by AIDS in Kenya and other parts of Africa. Current projects we support are the School of Joy in Bethlehem and The Good Counsel Network.