Jane McGowan looks at what’s on offer for those looking to escape to the country...
For many young Londoners, life in the country conjures up images of welly-wearing yokels, muddy fields and pitiable 3G coverage. But for an increasing number of city dwellers, moving out of London and swapping the hustle and bustle for a more sedate setting is becoming more and more appealing as house prices in the capital stall and the desire for of a greener, healthier lifestyle grows.
According to figures provided by the ONS in 2017, 292,000 residents waved goodbye to London in the year to July-2016 – a 14% rise on a decade earlier. While many headed to regional outposts such as Bristol, Manchester and Brighton, many more opted for the home counties, with several Surrey towns seeing an influx of the so-called DFLs (down from London).
“We have seen an increase in people wanting to move to a more rural setting,” explains Matthew Gilbert, associate director of Hamptons International, Richmond. “People aren’t looking to go anywhere really remote, but to more rural towns where they can still enjoy restaurants, community events and still get into London should they need to.”
In fact, the demand has prompted Hamptons International to hold a series of Country Roadshows across some of its London-based branches, enabling prospective movers to get a taste of rural living, as well as advice from local agents about schools, commuting times, house prices and so on.
“The aim is to give those thinking about moving advice from those actually on the ground who can provide expert knowledge,” he explains.
Matthew says that many of those looking to move are aged in their 30 or 40s; often families in search of a larger property with a bigger garden or driveway.
“If you are based in London and want to move up, chances are you would be looking at a similar property with the same issues of a small garden and parking so whereas people were once heading out to the country later in life, now people are choosing to make the move sooner.”
Alongside this are the health benefits. Aside from the opportunity for countryside walks and so on, many parents are becoming increasingly worried about pollution and the lack of clean air and see a move out of the capital as the obvious solution.
Other factors are undoubtedly playing their part too, such as the rise in homeworking and advances in technology, which make the former easier and also enables people to work during what may be a longer commute.
As Matthew says: “People often want to retain an urban lifestyle with the added benefits of more space and fresh air. Towns such as Reigate, Guildford and Farnham offer the perfect combination of great high streets where you can look around and be surrounded by green hills and great natural spaces.”