Joe Wicks, based in Richmond is helping kids stay fit and healthy
Over the past week, children across the UK have been spending their mornings working out with Joe Wicks in his free and live PE lessons.
Since schools closed in the UK due to the coronavirus outbreak, parents have been trying to find new and creative ways to keep their kids learning and occupied.
Understanding this too, the 33-year-old fitness instructor starting holding virtual PE classes on YouTube to keep children fit and active. But it's not just kids from the UK that got involved, Joe's classes have attracted children from across the world, who join in now every day at 9 am for a 30-minute session.
The classes are easy to follow and are designed to suit a wide age range, from toddlers to secondary school pupils. But whilst these classes are mainly aimed at children, many adults and parents have been getting involved in the fun too.
Here's how to get involved:
The Body Coach's live workout is scheduled every weekday at 9 am. Classes last for around 30-minutes, which includes a warm-up and a cool down at the end.
To take part, all you need to do is head to Joe Wicks' YouTube channel, which you can access here.
Make sure you're there five minutes before it's due to begin so you don't miss a beat!
Taking things a step further, Joe has now invited children to get even more involved with fitness by getting them to submit the workouts they want to perform in the class. This encourages the kids to not only keep active but take an interest in fitness that will help them to achieve a healthier lifestyle as they grow up.
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