Extreme sports, super fitness, gruelling challenges... Banstead Neville Bowling Club is bucking the trend with a pleasant, leisurely sport with free coaching and a great social programme. Join them on April 16
Looking for a good way to banish the March blues and April showers?
Banstead Neville Bowls Club is a small, sociable bowls club on the lookout for more members – so if you fancy a leisurely lawn sport with free coaching, a regular weekly programme, and great social fun throughout the year, why not join up?
The club is holding a coffee morning on Saturday April 16 from 10am, so head on down and experience the club for yourself, with a cup of coffee included in the £1 entrance fee. There will be items for sale – call Gloria Corp for details on 01737 370826.
Find out more about Banstead Neville Bowling Club on their website