Duckling rescued by club member at Staines Sailing Club
We love this cute story about a little duckling who was rescued by a club member at Staines Sailing Club, where he appeared to be having a bit of a tough time. The thoughtful club team sent this email round so that everyone who had seen the little fella could be assured of his safe passage.
Naturally, being the animal lovers we are here at Essential Surrey, we couldn't resist sharing it with you!
In case anyone wants to know what happened to the 2 day old duckling which Julia rescued from the Thames in front of the Club this afternoon just before the start of the race:
"I put the little ducking on the edge of the slip-way to see he wanted to be back in the water but as I hitched back the duckling followed me and someone said 'you're his Mum now'. He seemed to be happy in the in the warmth of my hands. Christine took a picture on her iPad and after everyone had finished goooing over him it was decided to take him to the Swan Sanctuary near Walton Bridge - Dot Beeson's 'new' place.
On arrival I found that the gates we well and truly locked. I did go round the Marina to see if there might be a way through there, but no such luck. I spent almost an hour trying to locate a home for the duckling and finished up with the Swan Lifeline site on the Thames near Eton, where the duty lady agreed to take him.
When I finally got there I took him in and the lady placed him gently among about twenty other ducklings, some of which were relatively large compared with our Staines Sailing Club member. However there was a semi-separated section for the smaller fry and so he was put there - quite near a nice warm radiator with food and water at the ready."
We smiled a lot when we received this email and sweet photo. It's great to know there are animal lovers out and about in Surrey who will go above and beyond the call of duty to protect our furry friends. Well done Julia!