Illusttration by Penelope Grant
dog watching girl eat
Food, glorious food!
Be sure to catch Kew Village Market this Sunday 3rd July with over 40 independent traders selling their own produce – fine food and beautiful handmade crafts.
If you’re heading to Kew Gardens the market’s the perfect place to pick up a picnic – charcuterie from Hilton Hams maybe, a smoked trout something from ChalkStream Foods or Aki Maki’s flavoursome fresh sushi? Or why not tuck into great street food – Mulata’s ever-popular Columbian cuisine or a French classic from La Crepe des Delices – or treat yourself to some brilliant bakes (heavenly free-from-everything Bliss Brownies and filled doughnuts to die for at McLaren Fine Foods).
Among all your favourite regular stalls, on the crafts side we’re delighted to welcome The Masked Garden with their original range of nature-inspired, finely fragranced soy candles. Also this month’s free good-causes stall will be for The Countess of Derby Charity who’ll be selling books to raise funds for grants for local people in need.
And of course there’ll be two great acts in our sunshine-yellow music marquee. First up at 10.30 is á cappella vocal group KT6 with songs ranging from favourite show tunes through folk to contemporary classics, followed by sassy six-piece band Squabble with their electric jazz groove.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday 3rd July from 10am to 2pm!