The Supervet: We interview Noel Fitzpatrick

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visit to surrey

having gone to surrey with a dog in severe pain with spinal problem no one to let me in had to keep phoning to get somebody to let me in . after going in an paying £1,500 was told to go and wait in the car park an wait for a vet to call me . caring i dont think so !

heather douglas more than 2 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

You are truly one amazing person. Your talent and compassion are breathtaking ,just wonderful for all the animals and their distressed owners.i wish you success in all your ventures.

Maureen Cook more than 8 years ago

The great super vet!!

What a amazing awesome man!!!

carley price more than 8 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

If you ever have time to read this you are truly amazing and compassionate!! Shame there are not more men like you !!

Linda Tamsitt more than 8 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

If you ever have time to read this you are truly amazing and compassionate!! Shame there are not more men like you !!

Linda Tamsitt more than 8 years ago


You are one of the most amazing people I have ever seen, kind,caring,clever and most of all compassionate. I have read everything there is to read about you and your work. Why can't human medicine forget it's egos and talk to you. You gave achieved so much in such a short space of time. Look how far human medicine could have come, if only it would listen to you. One Medcine is the answer and they forward. Love and Compassion goes a long way and thevworld would be a far better place if there were more Noel Fitzpatricks about, but then there is only one "Noel Fitzpatrick" the Super guy that's also happens to be "The Supervet" , who also happens to have the most amazingly alluring eyes. Keep up the fight Noel

Sue Peper more than 8 years ago

Noel for a knighthood

If you think Noel deserves a knighthood for his amazing work then join us at

Pip Miles more than 8 years ago

Noel for a knighthood

I saw agree with you!

Bella more than 8 years ago

Noel for knighthood

Definitely he is selfless and an amazing man. His genuine concern for all the animals he treats is inspiring. If only all human Doctors were like him the NHS would not be in d uch difficulties.

Pamela Bright more than 8 years ago


An amazing man with so much compassion for his charges and so genuine. Pity the medical profession are'nt interested in his brilliant inventions!

Kaye Brister more than 8 years ago


Milly. I think you will find it is both Dr and Professor Noel Fitzpatrick. Not Mr as you stated.

Jayne Campbell more than 8 years ago

Hi Noel

I've just been watching you on crufts. I totally agree with you that animals have feelings eg they Love their babies, they feel fear and don't want to die. You said children love animals and care about them until they are conditioned by society. Whatabout farm animals, surely you don't think farm animals have no feelings! They suffer pain and fear and are raised in terrible conditions and then killed when they are still so very young. Would you look after a pet pig ? What's the difference? Please go vegan and help save the 1.2 billion animals that are slaughtered in the world every week .

Jayne more than 8 years ago

Not Vegan!!!!!

I completely agree I am shocked to hear he isn't vegan and have lost a great deal of respect for him. You can not be an animal lover and eat animals it just does not exist. Disappointing

kim more than 8 years ago

Get a life, dont try and fit him in a box

Just because you are not vegan doesn't make you any lessof a person. You would be grateful to have Neil attend your pet

Pat Barlow more than 8 years ago

As if!

You have lost respect for someone who has dedicated LITERALLY their whole lives to improving the lives of animals, because they still chose to eat meat? Self righteous opinions are why some people dislike vegans. You're damaging your own kind.

Hannah Mathews more than 3 years ago


He has not 'literally' dedicated his whole life to improving the lives of animals, as his diet directly contributes to the suffering of many animals

Sam 245 days ago


you are willing to save every animal you can

chloe more than 8 years ago


The doctor is absolutely amazing - I have never seen a vet with so much compassion and love. I am glued to this show in South Africa and just blown away with what he makes to heal the gorgous animals - thank you for your love Dr Noel

Tania Ikin more than 8 years ago

I cry every week without fail

No man has ever made me shed more tears than Noel and his animals! I'm 43 years old and every week I sit down and watch the supervet and even if its a happy story I still cry. Anyone else have the same problem out there??????

Emma Jones more than 8 years ago


I have been watching Supervet here I South Africa! Should I ever get the opportunity to visit your Clinic then I would love to do so! Such remarkable work, compassion and dedication!

Samantha Mc Bain more than 8 years ago

To the supervet Noel

You are amazing and, charming,my cat even enjoys your programme!

Bridget Murphy more than 8 years ago

finding the one

Noel a piece of advice if I may stop getting distracted by the packaging and look for the beauty that lies within, its a bit like with our pets we love them for who they are no matter what they look like

ruby more than 8 years ago

coming first

I so get this for you the work comes before everything else, I wish the people I meet would understand that for me my dog Ruby comes before absolutely everything else. Stay true to yourself Noel, animals are our soul mates and you will never be alone whilst you have them in your life.

Jayne more than 8 years ago

Two sides to Noel the vet

Whilst it is recognised thatt Mr Noel Fitzpatrick has made a remarkable contribution to progressive animal welfare there is a side to him that his loyal staff do not reveal. In his pursuit of his work he has been known to bully some of his co-workers which is not acceptable.

Milly more than 9 years ago

Two sides to Noel the vet

There is always one who feels the need to be spiteful.....I just have to ask myself why????

Taylor more than 8 years ago

Two sides to Noel the vet

Brilliance and passion in a person can allow flaws......

Una more than 8 years ago

Two sides of Noel the bet.

Spitefulness Milly is dangerous.

Kate Dignan more than 8 years ago

Noel, you are so special !

No. 1 human. The animals you help are so blessed. Wish I was there to help you but I have my own human and dog family to look after. Hope to meet you at Dogfest 2016 and love to all at Fitzpatrickreferrals X

gail bean more than 9 years ago

youre the best vet

you try your best to save every injured animal

chloe more than 8 years ago


noel is a wonderful is so refreshing to see someone who truely cares about animals.the lengths he goes to help all animals is totally amazing as is his amazing human being.i love him.remarkable man !!

tracey bartlett more than 9 years ago


As I watched the episode about Bertie, I cried. My Keeshond Harvey was first diagnosed with arthritis when he went lame at two. He is now eight, and for him to have any quality of life he too requires major surgery. Unfortunately we live in Australia so it looks like I am going to be making 'that' decision quite soon. If only there could be more Noels in the world :-(

Lea more than 9 years ago

There is only one Noel

No words can describe how your programme gets me. Every time there are tears! Noel is one in a million in every way. Animals deserve the best and you give the best. I am determined to visit the practice and meet Noel one dayx

Joanna more than 9 years ago

supervets on t v

i think Noel is brilliant vet watch super vets all time he's so clever and loves his animals so much that he even lets the dogs lick his face Could do with him over here in N Ireland keep up great work Noel

Kathleen Wilson more than 8 years ago

Total admiration.

I am completely blown away by your pioneering work which is brilliant in its own right but the love and compassion you show to your patients and their owners is just awesome. I have never commented before about a programme or the 'star' but believe you Noel deserve the recognition.
We rescued a Border Collie some 13 years ago. He had been involved in a car accident and had horrific injuries to his left hip and leg which left him incontinent. We didn't know the extent of our dogs condition and when discovered the rescue centre wanted him euthanised. Blue was such a wonderful dog I couldn't do that and have coped with the double inconvenience with Blue wearing nappies in the house and having hydrotherapy to help his arthritic injuries. Now coming to the end of his life I often wonder if we did the right thing in keeping our dog alive for all these years. We have tried to give him a good quality of life but if only you could have seen him in his early days I'm convinced he would have been a benifactor of your pioneering work. I have always felt that In taking Blue to the vets for routine check ups he has always been assessed for his incontience rather than being seen for the wonderfult dog he is thus Noel your humility towards the creatures you treat is especially mind blowing. In my opinion therefore you certainly do deserve a knighthood!

Elaine Enderby more than 9 years ago

praise xxx

So very well expressed Elaine...bought tears to my eyes as an animal lover like yourself..God bless you xxxxxx

kele Cole xxxx more than 8 years ago

Dear Noel......

My family are Irish, My passion is animal welfare and I have 16 years veterinary nursing experience.
We are made for each other. We just need to meet......... x

Adrienne McSweeney more than 9 years ago

Love to meet Noel

If I was lucky enough to have Noel in my life I would be happy to come second to any animal

Lesley more than 9 years ago

A man of my own heart

Would love to meet Noel he is such a special man!!

Andree more than 9 years ago


You and I are kindred spirits

S. Greer more than 9 years ago

What an amazing guy .

Noel is such an amazing and careing animal lover,and is very pleasing on the eye.

Carol Curtis more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

Apart from being very fanciable (and I am an old hag), he has such unbelievable compassion for animals and does such wonderful things, that it is time he produced offspring in the hope that there will be another Noel or Noelle in the future.

Doreen Mackay more than 9 years ago

Marry me Noel

a super amazing human being i would love to date you

Melanie - Cornwall more than 9 years ago

super vet

A lovely man with an amazing ability to help animals ad love them at the same time supervet is right but a truly good human being a rarity indeed

norma thomas more than 9 years ago

This man deserves a Knighthood. !! His just absolutely amazing!!!

Amazing Amazing Amazing!! What a genius. .

alison holt more than 9 years ago

human and animal doctors working together

before watching this episode of Supervet I always thought its was in human medicine that we pioneered and then vet medicine would copy I am amazed at the fact the Noal and his team have invented surgeries and bionic implants/limbs that could be applied to human medicine but may not, we are all animals at the end of the day, flesh, bone and feeling x

tara clark more than 9 years ago

Totally amazing man

No words can describe how truly amazing Noel is.I haven't met him personally but both me and my family are so full of admiration for him,professionally and emotionally.He is a true joy to watch at work,he is a genius! It is wonderful to know that people like Noel exist! It is reassuring to know that as the owner of three much loved dogs and an elderly cat,that should the need arise he is there,we'll keep on following you Noel!

Candida Prophet more than 9 years ago

We are all equal.

Ghandi would absolutely love you, Noel.

Nickie Rainbow more than 9 years ago

Now if only I had met a man like that.........

I laugh with him, I cry with him and I am totally inspired by him. A combination of amazing skill with endless compassion.

Pauline Hamill more than 9 years ago

how about a date

This man is great, Would love to take you out for the evening noel.

mandy rollins more than 9 years ago

Best Vet Ever !

I live in AUSTRALIA. Dear Noel, can you please come to Australia and teach Vets here?

Maria more than 9 years ago

Honours List.

Never mind Pop stars & the like, this man is deserving of and should be granted a Knighthood in the New Years Honours List. He is a one off.

Phil Thompson more than 9 years ago


Noel should get a knighthood for his services to the animal world,he is contributing so much to society he has such compassion.definitely a one off.

Marilyn Woolven more than 9 years ago


Wish I could win the lotto to give Noël some money towards the wonderful work he and his team are doing for animals

Colette k more than 9 years ago

Noël Fitzpatrick

Brilliant and compassionate man

Mo green more than 9 years ago


You are a wonderful man and a fantastic supervet,please never stop, you are one in a million

dilys jones more than 9 years ago

super vet

make this man a sir totally dedicated

raymond ashford kent more than 9 years ago

super vet

this man is the second god

ray smith more than 9 years ago


This guy is amazing . Totally dedicated . Definitely deserves the gong ,

Kathryn Newton Bath more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

What a phenomenal guy, he really need to start his own vet's school to train others and share his skills. He is a godsend to animals who are in the last chance saloon, we need more people like Noel in the human and animal care world. His tenacity to never be beaten or give up is out of this world if the world had more people like him it would be a much calmer and happier place. We need to clone him! Failing that give him a knighthood!

Janet Campbell more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick - There is hope in the world ...

Noel you are an Angel for all animals which come in contact with you. I love animals too and I do hope your path be illuminated by the Big Guy up there whom no doubt is looking after you. The world needs more people like you so that life would be so much easier, simpler and enjoyable. Take care my friend. Lurdes x

Maria de Lurdes Oliveira Hull more than 9 years ago


Marry me lol I love watching uour programme I smile I cry your truly the animal earth angel I know if my german shepard millie my baby needed anything I would sell whatever I have to save her. You truly are an amazing man and have an amazing team x...

michele bowden more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

Love him

Jules Austen more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

Totally amazing man. Met him over the weekend. I wish that human surgeons would have the guys to 'think out of the box' and push bounderies like he does! I have a son that could certainly benefit from that happening. Good to know that if my dog really needed someone like him, then he is there. Totally leads his life for the animals.

Jayne McGurk more than 10 years ago

Noel Ftzpatrick

His work is totally amazing. A real lover of animals, the pretty and not so pretty! A veterinary surgeon who is also a mechanical engineer, a builder and probably other profession that I haven't even thought of.
All power to his elbow or both of them actually!

Jenny Parker more than 10 years ago

the super vet

Love this man and his staff.. Fantastic all of you including the reception staff who always make me smile

joanne more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

Surely Noel should get a knighthood for his amazing work with animals. He is so dedicated to his work.

Joan Newman more than 10 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

100% behind you and agree whole heartedly.

Linda Downton more than 10 years ago

The Bionic Vet

If only there were more people like him in the World!

Eleanor Barr more than 10 years ago

Bionic Vet

I truly admire this amazing man

Diane Killington more than 9 years ago

Noel Fitzpatrick

My adorable dog Snoopy is currently an in mate at Fitzpatrick Referrals. I miss him dreadfully and sadly he wont be home for Christmas but I know that he is home from home in the hands of Noel and his team. I am overwhelmed by the love and care that is being given to my darling boy.
Noel is one in a million he is kind, honest, intelligent amazing human being. I feel so indebted to him and I feel I owe him so much as he will not give up on Snoopy who was sadly knocked over by a post office van and suffered a terrible injury. He has been operated on and is currently in recovery. The next few days being crucial re his healing. So a massive thank you to Noel, Susan, Polrig can never spell his name and all the other staff that are helping Snoopy. I pray for him every day and cannot wait to be reunited. Noel is one in a million and definitely deserves to be recognized for his outstanding work.

Carole Linturn more than 9 years ago

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